Founders Series Overview

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Learn how to take your business to the next level with our founder series articles.

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Transform your business with our founder series

Founder Series
The death of the QA Score

Outdated QA scores are being replaced by dynamic Quality Analysis

Founder Series
Evaluating AI

Learn the essential steps for evaluating AI partners and crafting an RFP

Founder Series
Chat GPT vs QA Analyst

Explore whether machine learning can match human objectivity and sensibility of QA in customer service

Founder Series
Sentiment Analysis

Analyzing the pros, cons, and best practices of leveraging sentiment in an evolving landscape

Founder Series
Empowerment vs. Micro-Management

Transforming agent performance through strategic insights

Founder Series
Non-Customer Support QA Use Cases

How teams are driving business-wide performance excellence through quality

Founder Series
Mastering AutoQA Scorecards

How to elevate your QA strategies and optimize for maximum business impact

Founder Series
Future of Quality

Quality teams are shifting from random QA to targeted root cause analysis

Founder Series
Business Insights

Unleashing actionable insights by harnessing the power of QA for business impact

Founder Series
AutoQA Metrics

Spotting “hot spots” in call Center, CX, and support operations

Founder Series
Why AutoQA

Three most common reasons to use AutoQA and the biggest lessons learned

Founder Series
Level Up Strategies to Enhance Impact

Learn how quality teams are leveling up strategies to enhance impact in 2024

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