Zendesk Integration | Increase Zendesk CSAT with MaestroQA

How do I integrate with Zendesk?
To get started, contact our team to discuss the best MaestroQA package for needs. You can either chat with us online, call us at (212) 699-6461, or email us at team@maestroqa.com.
We also have the Zendesk Lite App that you can try, listed on the Zendesk App Store.
Is Zendesk difficult to use with MaestroQA?
Absolutely not! MaestroQA is purpose-built to integrate with all Zendesk products making it one of the most versatile QA tools out there. Support teams and upper management have enjoyed a much more robust and easy to use QA process with MaestroQA + Zendesk.
How does QA affect customer satisfaction?
QA software helps agents and managers run a successful call center by measuring customers expectations compared to team performance. The QA process allows you to better meet customer expectations, leading to increased customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.