Your weekly Support Spotlight is here! Customers in need of good customer service don't take breaks, so neither do we.
This week's example highlights the importance of confirming things with your customers; making sure they follow through with your suggested solution, and more importantly, that the solution actually worked!
Take a look at the conversation below:

Analysis Of The Customer Service Interaction:
The above interaction goes as follows:
- Customer reports an issue.
- The agent identifies the root cause of the issue.
- A solution is provided.
- The agent asks the customer to confirm the suggested solution worked.
The issue persists!
- The agent identifies a new issue.
- A solution to the new issue is provided.
- The agent asks the customer to confirm the new solution worked.
The issue is resolved!
Notice the repeated solution-confirmation pattern. Even though it can feel redundant, the agent asked the customer for an update after each suggestion. To give the best customer support, the agent and the customer must be on the same page.
These confirmations guard against 3 common causes of miscommunication:
- The customer doesn't do the suggestion.
- The customer does the suggestion, but it doesn't work.
- The customer does the suggestion, but incorrectly.
Assuming these scenarios won't happen is risky – risky because it puts the onus on the customer to try the solution, and again risking they don't get back to us if it fails. If we stick with them throughout, we can confirm that our product is working correctly and they are getting the most value.
In this specific situation, we ensured that our customer correctly set up their automation. This guarantees they have a better experience with MaestroQA, which results in a better customer service quality assurance program that increases the stickiness of our product.
When we suggest a solution and move on, we roll the dice on whether the issue is truly resolved. If the dice lands out of favor – and the customer doesn’t solve the issue – odds are their experience will suffer for it. Frequent confirmations mitigate this risk.
In Summary:
Offering our customers a solution is only the first step.
Confirming that they follow through and that the solution succeeds keeps the communication between you and your customers crystal clear, helping your support team go from good to great.
We feature other companies's customer support interactions in this blog, as well. Contact us at if you're interested in giving your team's service a moment in the Spotlight.
Until next week, may your customers be friendly and may your response times be swift. Adieu!