Negative customer feedback can significantly impact a business's reputation, resulting in churn and lost revenue. To mitigate this risk, businesses are looking to ramp up their Quality Assurance workflows to detect and mitigate friction points in the customer journey before they impact business growth.
Leveraging AI Classifiers and Sentiment Analysis with Novo’s Customer Service
In a recent Fireside Chat, we had the opportunity to speak with Novo, a leading mobile banking platform for small businesses, to learn more about the success their team is having using MaestroQA’s automated QA workflows, KPI dashboard and AI Classifiers to identify actionable insights that will have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction levels.
In our discussion with Marcus Tatum, Quality Assurance Manager, he shared how his team uses MaestroQA's workflow automation and call center sentiment analysis to identify low-scoring DSAT tickets to perform targeted QA. While this automation has served Marcus and his team very well by not only identifying gaps in agent performance but also providing Voice of the Customer (VOC) insights into product and policy, it only captures feedback from customers who complete the CSAT survey, leaving out a potentially significant number of dissatisfied customers.
In an effort to get a more accurate picture of what’s causing negative feedback from customers, Novo’s team is now leveraging MaestroQA’s automated transcription to analyze 100% of their customers' interactions to take their analysis of DSAT to the next level. They are even taking call center sentiment analysis one step further by revamping their approach to tracking negative sentiment by using MaestroQA’s AI classifiers and buildable logic to scan and surface the most meaningful tickets — enabling a new level of analysis and deeper quality metrics that didn’t exist before.
How MaestroQA’s AI Classifiers Work
As an example, teams can build an AI classifier to scan tickets for signs of negative sentiment based on keywords specific to their business that indicate a negative customer experience. While the previous method of a blanket scan for negative sentiment was like a "black box," this new system is a “transparent box” and can be tailored to individual businesses.

Using Transcriptions to Identify Customer Service Insights
Using MaestroQA, Novo was able to uncover an issue that was occurring with mobile check deposits, where specific checks from the California State Government were being repeatedly rejected by their banking software. With the use of AI Classifiers, Marcus will be able to build reports using keywords associated with the "check rejection" issue to determine its frequency, identify which agents are skilled at handling these situations, and assess the negative sentiment resulting from these customer interactions. MaestroQA's highly accurate transcriptions will even enable the Classifier to listen for key phrases such as "check rejected, California, or deposit error" to identify phone calls discussing this particular issue. Novo’s QA team can also pull in other metadata from his HelpDesk to identify tickets where a customer started the conversation upset but was satisfied with the agent's response or conversations where a customer initially felt fine but became upset due to the agent's service or policy.
Benefits of Using AI Classifiers for Quality Metrics
By using AI classifiers, businesses can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their customers' issues and needs. Instead of relying solely on Manual QA or feedback from NPS and CSAT surveys, they can leverage AI-driven sentiment analysis to capture feedback from all interactions and use it to make data-driven decisions. This can lead to more efficient and effective customer service, as well as improvements in product and process design. Furthermore, the customizable nature of the classifiers enables businesses to develop new Quality KPIs to help make decisions regarding agent coaching, outsourcing, processes, and even product decisions.
With MaestroQA's AI classifiers, Marcus's team will be able to grade 100% of their tickets, gaining insights into trends and sentiment that will help them make better decisions. Marcus says, "Being able to understand everything that's going on and its full context and how often it's happening and understand the trends that help us make better decisions for sure."

Secure Handling of Sensitive Information with MaestroQA
As a financial institution, Novo requires a tool that can meet its unique needs and accommodate the sensitive information shared by its customers.
"Something I've loved about Maestro is how we're able to filter out tickets with automation. We realized that certain tickets are related to a potential policy break. Then there are tickets that just don't have any of that sensitive information. And so there's an opportunity to create an automation that’s specific to policy sensitive information or policy sensitive tickets or handling."
MaestroQA allows customer service teams to handle sensitive information securely, protecting their customers' data and privacy. Marcus emphasizes the importance of protecting their customers' data and privacy, saying, "Being a financial institution, it's super important that we're protecting our customers and their information." MaestroQA's redaction of account and debit card information provides an additional layer of security. Marcus and his team plan to use the AI Classifier tool to build out reporting on agent compliance, furthering their efforts to protect and support their customers.

The Future of Quality Assurance and Customer Service with MaestroQA's AI Classifiers
By automating and customizing the categorization of customer interactions, AI classifiers are revolutionizing how businesses approach quality metrics. As Marcus emphasizes, there's always an opportunity to use new tools to improve quality assurance and customer service. He notes, "I really think where MaestroQA goes, Novo goes. That's historically how it's been. Where we'll see new tools rolled out, and our mindset is we're going to use this platform to its fullest extent. We're looking to utilize every feature that Maestro offers." With MaestroQA, businesses can streamline their feedback analysis, protect their customers' data and privacy, and ultimately improve their bottom line.
Check out the full recording of our chat with Novo, and if you would like to learn more about what MaestroQA can do for your business, please request a demo today.